One lifeboat on the Titanic

Supporters of the Murphy Bill go in great lengths to describe the problems of the mental health system.  They trot out huge numbers….310,000 mentally ill in our prisons and jails etc.  They tell us the Titanic is sinking and sinking rapidly.

But for all their passion and all their commitment they only give us one small boat to rescue survivors in.  In New York, the promised land of AOT 2000 people, 1/3 of 1% are involved with AOT.  And that is in a state that has bought in, a state that has used a lot of money and resources to make it happen.  Most states don’t even begin to use those kind of resources or serve anywhere close to that number.  1/3 of 1% is not 100%.  2000 is not 310,000.

The boat doesn’t really serve the people in it very well.  It is old, has lots of holes but even if you believe it is seaworthy the real problem is not who it saves but who it leaves to drown.  Not even figuring the holes in services for those not in jail (affecting many more than 310,000) just do the math for the 310,000.  If New York is as the AOT  people claim the epitome of success and the goal of Murphy is to get something going nationwide of the same quality AOT (using the 1/3 of 1% figure) the Murphy Bill will add  1023 people to AOT.  A remarkably small boat in a big sea.

It is a model T they try to dress up in Cadillac clothes.  We need changes but we need changes for the better.

The Titanic is sinking… The seas are full and the water is cold.  No one needs to be left behind.

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